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Discover hidden energy savings of everyday devices

Discover hidden energy savings of everyday devices

Tired of soaring energy bills and an expanding carbon footprint? What if you could significantly cut both without changing your daily routine?

Stop paying for energy you don’t use

Common building devices waste energy behind your back:

  • Laptops, monitors, and chargers... silently drain electricity in standby mode.
  • Hot water taps… boil endlessly, spewing energy after everyone's gone home.
  • Electric heaters blast... into empty rooms.

These are just a few examples of everyday appliances silently draining your energy budget and increasing your carbon footprint.

Smart savings simplified

Powered by machine learning, our plug sockets automatically identify and eliminate small power waste, turning every appliance into a cost-saving superhero.

Our sockets have delivered the following savings:

On one desk: 33% weekly energy cost reduction, eliminating 26kg of carbon emissions and 106 kWh of energy waste per year.

Office desk before: 

Office desks - before

Office desk after: 

Office desks - after


On one hot water tap: 44% weekly energy cost reduction, eliminating 21kg of carbon emissions and 398 kWh of energy waste per year.

Hot water tap before: 

Hot water taps - before

Hot water tap after:

Hot water taps - after


On one electric heater: 55% weekly energy cost reduction, eliminating 1 tonne of carbon emissions and 4,938 kWh of energy waste per year.

Electric heater before:

Electric heaters - before

Electric heater after:

Electric heaters - after


On one printer: 42% weekly energy cost reduction, eliminating 150 kg of carbon emissions and 685 kWh of energy waste per year.

Printer before:

Printer- before

Printer after:

Printer- after


On one bottle fridge: 44% weekly energy cost reduction, eliminating 239 kg of carbon emissions and 1,457 kWh of energy waste per year.

Bottle fridge before:

Bottle fridges - before

Bottle fridge after:

Bottle fridges - after

Don't underestimate the power of small changes. These individual savings, multiplied across an entire building add up to deliver significant energy cost reductions.

Our sockets empower you to:

  • Cut your electricity costs by at least 20%.
  • Shrink your carbon footprint.
  • Gain real-time energy insights. 

Stop the silent drain on your budget and the planet. Contact us today and unlock your building's hidden savings potential.


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