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2 min read

Introducing our new Chair of the Board

Introducing our new Chair of the Board

We caught up with Karen Bach, our newly appointed Chair of the Board, to find out more about her tech background, what drew her to us and what she’s hoping to achieve in her role.

What’s your background in technology?

I’ve always been a fan of industries that constantly innovate and deliver great products and services that help people. And what innovates more than tech?

Throughout my career, I’ve had so many fantastic opportunities working in software and hardware, health, media, telecommunications and more. I’ve been incredibly privileged to work with businesses and teams I truly believe in – it’s been fabulous!

And speaking of great businesses, I’m currently the Chair of four different SMEs, spanning net zero, healthcare, media and digital advertising – they definitely keep me busy! Outside of this, I do a lot of mentoring, like supporting AI startups alongside the University of Oxford via the Creative Destruction Lab.

So, what drew you to us?

I’d have to say the team. Whenever I choose to work with a company, it’s all about the people. You need to not only trust those around you to work together effectively, but also enjoy the journey. That way, you can navigate any situation.

Secondly, it’s the product. I always ask, “Do I believe in this?” and “Does the product solve a real problem?” And for me, our plug sockets are a no brainer! The product is super low friction and reduces carbon emissions, what’s not to love?

What will you be responsible for in your new role?

My three main responsibilities are:

  1. Supporting Dan
    I’ll be helping Dan and the team succeed by acting as a mentor, an honest friend and a soundboard.
  2. Guiding the strategy
    I’ll be looking at our goals, reflecting on our performance and seeking opportunities where we can scale better and faster.
  3. Bringing everyone together
    I’ll be working closely with the team and our investors to communicate effectively and challenge ourselves further.

Underlying all of this is governance. Put simply, I’ll be making sure that as a board, we have all the right information we need to make decisions.

A great analogy for my role and the rest of the board, is a lane in a bowling alley (shoutout to my colleague who shared this with me). Collectively, our goal is to reach the 10 pins at the end. Dan and the team throw the ball down the lane with accuracy and speed. The board and I are the barriers, helping guide it towards its end goal.

What do you hope to achieve in this role?

To put it simply, get as many of our sockets installed in commercial buildings as possible, to reduce carbon emissions quickly and smoothy. It’s fantastic to have such a great mission.

And finally, why should people be interested in sustainability tech?

There are so many reasons, but I’ll stick to one… I want all our grandchildren to enjoy playing Poohsticks on a bridge with a river flowing underneath it. That won’t be possible everywhere unless we act now, and can help make that happen.

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